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Fawn Lake Rd in DuPont on Sunday, it's got a long ways to go.

Snow days

Last week the forecast called for snow. Snow forecasts in Brevard tend to be very unpredictable. Honestly they usually seem to go down or go away as the day gets closer. That was not the case this time. The snow came, 10″-14″ in a lot of places. This was a combination of nice fluffy snow, rain, and sleet. Which made for some heavy shoveling and happy kids.

Sledding down the middle of the road, not just for kids anymore

This year instead of suiting up and trying to go ride my bike in it somehow I leaned into playing with the kids. We made a sled track with a safety berm at the end. I learned we need a second sled and maybe the sled track shouldn’t go straight down the yard. Those kids can get going really fast…I shoveled the drive and back patio for a good workout. Then called it a day and hung out with everyone inside.

Have to build in a beer shelf on the Sledding berm

I won’t lie, looking at the snowy bike pictures on the internets gave me some FOMO. I’m usually the one out doing a futile bike ride in that kind of snow. Honestly though while you “can” it isn’t really all that much of a bike ride most of the time. I’m the first to admit that’s not always what it’s about though. Sometimes just getting out there, trying it, and being silly makes it all worth it. I’m trying to be more ok just doing that without the bike sometimes.

not sure why I keep all of these…most I’ll never mount again

That much snow in a town like Brevard doesn’t get moved that quickly. Then combine that with the fact that since the snow fell the night time lows have been down in the teens and this snow isn’t going anywhere soon. Most of the trails are still pretty snow covered and they’re either really chunky/crunchy/icy or super slushy. Neither of which make for decent riding. Although the former is probably easier and safer.

I’m running out of basic maintenance on the bikes though: New chains, brake bleeds, pad checks, spare tube checks, adjusting the bike storage, cleaning up the old tire storage, soon I’m going to have to do actual productive things around the house. I’m hoping the snow melts some more before that.

I did try and get out to ride some yesterday after a short family hike in Dupont. I just wanted to pedal outside and see more than we were going to see on foot. Which was nice, Dupont has plowed from the Visitors center to the maintenance facility on Airstrip, so that is really clean and snow free. Beyond that though….find a tired track and hope for the best. Bring a spare pair of shorts because it gets sketchy….

Unfortunately it’s going to be a little while before the trails, realistically even most of the gravel roads, are good and rideable again. I guess it’s time to embrace a little road riding and maybe even the trainer some. Being encouraged to ride the trainer during this time of year isn’t really that bad for me. Work has been really busy and it gives me some time to do some continued learning. I can set up for a workout and learn a new tool.

Here’s hoping we can ride trails again before too long.